Majestic Ambassador
Oncrawl Ambassador
afs Academy Speaker
Award Judge
Companies that have put their trust in my expertise
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Where can I help you?
Press & Articles
- Ebook: Crawling & Log Files: Use cases & experience based tips, 2.11.2022 (EN)
- SEODRIVEN Podcast über interne Verlinkung, Podcast, 29.08.2022 (DE)
- The SEO Kitchen Show – Episode 3: Enterprise & Strategy salad, Webinar, 28.06.2022 (EN)
- Google Penalty erkennen, vermeiden und beheben, Kommentar, 26.10.2020 (DE)
- SEO Audit Questionnaire, Blog Post, 16.09.2020 (EN)
- SEO Quick Win Beitrag bei Re:signal, Tip contribution on Re:signal, 30.04.2020 (EN)
- Multilinguale Webseiten: Mit International SEO und Markt- & Konkurrenzanalyse erfolgreich werden, Interview as part of an e-book, 3.01.2020 (DE)
- Considering Search & Digital Marketing in 2020, Thoughts on Organice Search in 2020 for Majestic, 16.12.2019 (EN)
- Behind the ORM-PAPER, Panel discussion, hosted by Searchmetrics, 26.11.2019 (DE)
- What I Love About DeepCrawl: An Agency’s Perspective; 05.03.2019 (EN)
- Studie zu den häufigsten Fehlern beim internen Link-Building; 8.02.2019, Comment on study (DE)
- SEO & Content Trends 2019 – Die Wunschliste der Online Marketer; 4.12.2018, Comment (DE)
- Find out how Peak Ace utilized DeepCrawl to increase year-on-year sessions by 180% for a German Comparison Portal; (Case Study) (EN)
- Domain-Migrationen: Achtet auf die (internen) Links!; 21.05.2018 (DE)
- Orphan Pages: Wie sind sie zu erkennen und was ist das Problem; 20.08.2018 (DE)
- 7 Faktoren, die bei der Linkprofil-Analyse zu berücksichtigen sind; 5.03.2018 (DE)
- Affiliates need optimized, mobile-ready websites; 11.04.2018 (Video) (EN)
- Wie sich kleine Linkprofile in unterschiedlichen Branchen unterscheiden können; 2.11.2017
- Wie unterschiedlich Webseiten mit ähnlichen Flow-Metriken sein können; 27.07.2017 (DE)
What others say about me
Andor is one of the SEO experts whose opinion I always ask for when it comes to strategic or complex questions in SEO. Besides his profound knowledge, his pragmatic approach helps to prioritize the right measures to achieve a relevant business impact. Communication with him is always open, objective, and goal-oriented. I am happy to recommend Andor to others!

Maximilian Schirmer
Andor is an absolute SEO expert and always a good choice when it comes to technical SEO questions. He is well versed in handling complex SEO issues and is capable of providing clear explanations typically backing his stance with relevant SEO data. It has been a real pleasure working with Andor and I can only recommend his expertise.

Tristan Pirouz
Andor is a professional SEO consultant who is competent in both strategic and technical issues. He is open and direct in his communication, which is very helpful in the dialogue and prioritization of measures. Due to his experience, he understands procedural challenges in optimization, which made him a valued advisor to our team. If you need professional help in SEO, you are on the safe page with Andor.

Christoph Behn
I worked together with Andor during my time at, one of the largest finance websites in Poland. Working together with Andor was both fun and efficient. He is truly an exceptional technical and international SEO consultant with deep SEO knowledge. Giving us advice regarding both on-page and off-page issues, he helped us to solve fundamental problems. I would definitely recommend his service and advice.

Wojciech Skąpski
I had the pleasure to work with Andor at the same company for a couple of years and he was a great professional to work with. He is a highly focused person as well as analytical and can add years of SEO expertise to every company. I definitely recommend Andor to any job.

Isabel Süß
Andor is an excellent SEO consultant and excels thanks to his sharp mind and analytical way of working even in competitive SEO segments such as Couponing. I’ve had the chance to work together in 2013 with him on our Couponing portals in different international markets and we achieved pretty good results (for Google but also Yandex). So if you are in need of a hands-on technical SEO expert with a great mindset, you found him with Andor!

Stefan Nolte

About Andor Palau
Andor Palau is a recognized international SEO consultant and brand ambassador for Majestic & OnCrawl in Germany. He is an SEO speaker at the afs-Akademie (Shop SEO) and a judge at the European Search Awards. With over a decade of experience, his core competencies are SEO strategies and technical SEO for e-commerce companies, publishers, marketplaces, and lead-gen companies.
As a specialist in search strategies and technical SEO, he helps companies both nationally and internationally that have fallen behind in their market due to strategic or infrastructural problems to dominate again. He supports companies in reframing and improving their strategies. He helps to bring the technical infrastructure up to date, focusing mainly on topics such as crawlability, indexing, and optimization of the website structure, including website migrations. He supports companies in optimizing internal SEO processes and helps to raise the skills of their SEO teams to the next level. The goal: to increase organic market share and revenue.